"The instructor was the best part of this class. He was very bright and had a great sense of humor. My classmates and I had a lot of fun, while at the same time learning and participating in class obejectives. It was great!"
Would you prefer to take a private online class with one of our certified trainers, that is customized to suit your specific needs, or perhaps just need some expert help with a project or problem and at no additional cost?
Take advantage of the latest technology
providing personal 1:1 tuition with an experienced instructor. We can offer flexible dates and times to suit your schedule.
Take the BLUE or ORANGE line to FARRAGUT WEST. Use the 17th Street exit. (For elevator access, use the 18th Street exit.) As you leave the station, turn right onto I Street. The entrance to 1634 is next to the yogurt shop.
Take the RED line to FARRAGUT NORTH. Exit at K Street. Cross K Street and walk one block to I Street. Cross I Street and turn left. 1634 is next to the yogurt shop.
Risk Free
We guarantee your training regardless if you are the only student. We do not cancel your training due to "low enrollment" and offer all our students a full refund if they are not satisfied with their training. You are also welcome to retake a class at no charge for up to 6 months